DMD Navigation FAQ

A compilation of frequently asked questions about our hardware and software.

DMD2 App (7)

Category: DMD2 App

Map updates are pushed ever two months.  However, to ensure no loss of navigation ability while using the system, there is no automatic map update in DMD2.  You will be notified of map updates by the Map Layer icon on the “Map View” page displaying, in green, the number of available updates as a number.  To trigger the update, you must manually enter the “Map Layer”, go to download maps, the respective region and selecting and updating each individual map.

A data connection is required for the map update.

Once you have started a map update, the map being updates is no longer available until the update is complete.

Tag: Map
Category: DMD2 App

There are two common causes for map downloads:

The WiFi connection is slow and/or unstable.  In this situation it is recommended to priorities which maps to download or update and do these one at a time.  Typically the download will complete but it can take a long time depending on the quality of the connection.

Insufficient space or memory on your device. In this situation delete maps and/or GPX Tracks/Routes which are no longer needed.

Tag: Map
Category: DMD2 App

DMD2 includes both place searching using the online Google Places API and place search using the offline map database!

The place search dialog include the following options:


If you are just looking for the closest POI of a specific category, then just tap on the icon for that category, the offline category listing will display a list of the closest places matching that category. Notice that you can scroll the categories and there is one for Town/City/Village too.

If you are searching for a specific POI name then use the Offline search, it should find what you are looking for.

If you are searching for a full address, with street name, number and postal code, then you need to be online and use the Online Search – this uses the full power of Google Places (the best place API) and can find based on address or name.

Category: DMD2 App

To export a recording (GPX file) you simply need to go to GPX Recorder > Recordings > select the recording from the list and press Share.

When you share the file, Android will show you all the installed apps to where you can share it, usually you would select something like Google Drive to store it online, but you can also select your email app if you want to send it by email to someone or even select an instant messaging app if you are sharing it in a chat.

Tags: How-To, Map
Category: DMD2 App

The best way is to close DMD2 and clear the app storage, this will erase everything and it will be like you are running DMD2 for the first time:


Category: DMD2 App

Ensure the “Arrow” on the top left of the Map View screen looks like a compass needle.

Ensure you are travelling at more than 4 kph or 2.5 mph.

The only follow mode where the map will NOT MOVE – follow mode disabled – is when the button shows an empty arrow icon, use any other mode for the map to track your location:

Category: DMD2 App

There is a lot of confusion about GPX files. You should understand that the content of a GPX file can be:
– TRACKS – Point by point drawn on the map, no turn by turn instructions, you follow the line, there is no calculation done, the track stays the exact same no matter where you load it
– ROUTES – Points with the places you want to go through, the app will calculate a route to take through all those points, it has turn by turn instructions and you can change the calculation profile
– WAYPOINTS – Pins / Indications on the map – Informative icons on the map with alerts, places to stop, fuel, whatever you want


Tags: GPX, Map