DMD Navigation FAQ

A compilation of frequently asked questions about our hardware and software.

DMD2 App (4)

Category: DMD2 App

No. These are streaming devices, which means it will be your pocket device streaming the app.

Not only you are limited by the fact you need an AA or CP compatible app but also by the AA/CP version of the app, AA/CP app versions are not the same as when you run the app natively, you usually get a stripped down version of the app where A LOT of its features are missing and they use totally different and limited UIs.

Although this system might be useful in your car or even on a motorcycle if your doing single day shorter rides, this is not a good solution for adventure riding. In addition, your streaming device (your phone) will discharge much faster, you will not be able to use handlebar remotes and, the DMD2 application will certainly not work.

Category: DMD2 App

The APK install is not limited by Google Play Store policy restrictions.
The APK version allows DMD2 to run in the background when you go from DMD2 to another app, this allows DMD2 to keep recording a track in the background and increment the trip values.

You should notice that the Play Store in-app purchases and subscriptions are multi-device, they will be available on all your devices with the same Play Store account.

The APK version requires licenses that can be purchased in the Thork Racing website, these licenses are per-device, only one device per license. Also notice that the map license will be more expensive because it is a lifetime license and not a subscription model like the Play Store version.

To download the APK version and view the instructions about how to license it please check this page.

Category: DMD2 App

Updates from the Google PlayStore only work when DMD2 was purchased and downloaded from the PlayStore.  If the device is a DMD Navigation unit or, you have installed the DMD2 APK version, updates are pushed automatically.  Do not use the PlayStore for updates.

Tags: Install, Updates
Category: DMD2 App

For the foreseeable future, no.  Development of a feature rich application like DMD2 is significantly more difficult in the iOS environment.  Additionally, as most Apple devices are not ideally suited for motorcycle activity particularly when it comes to GPS accuracy, and dust, water, vibration and temperature resistance and protection.

Navigation Devices (1)

Category: Navigation Devices

Please noticed that all our remotes can be connected using Bluetooth! But if you want to have it connected by cable you need to have the 12V power supply since the box handles power and communications!

The easiest remote to connect by cable is the Remote 2 since it includes a splitter cable that makes it plug and play. Other remotes like the Remote1 and Remote2 can be used but require you to manually connect them to the open wires. This is covered on the device manual.

The ideal setup is the T665 with 12V power supply and Remote 2: