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  • Royal Enfield Himalayan 411
  • Hi,

    The default filenames for recordings and the resulting GPX files use a US date format of MM/DD/YY.

    I find this very clunky to use and it comes with concrete downsides like a pretty random order in the Recordings list.

    Personally I’d prefer YYYY/MM/DD because it alphabetical and chronological ordering are identical and thus it would be sorted in the Recordings (and my files system etc.) correctly automatically.

    I know I can change the file name, but I want to change the default instead of always having to type in a name.

    Furthermore the app uses the same time format also on the recording page for the metadata.

    Maybe the best way to approach this would be to allow users to select a date format in the settings and then use that consistently. Default filenames could also be selected separately if desired (e.g. some people might simply want to have increasing numbers or such).

  • Hi,

    I need to export recorded GPX files one by one to use them elsewhere.
    I’d love being able o export all of them at once, or even better: Have them sync to GDrive or other services automatically.