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  • '93 400 EXC + '06 US 950 Adv S + '05 EUR 950 Adv + '08 EUR 690
  • Hello,

    Sorry if I missed the already existing way to do that.

    We can follow the progression to the next WP or selected poi, that’s really a very usefull feature.

    However, for many reason depending of the situation we may want to add somme WP (or poi), lunch break, team meeting point, last grocery before bivouac,…

    It will be then very usefull to have these point listed in the “next” list

    Could be a WP added on the actual track or a personnal POI , the goal is to have it in the “next” list with the distance to go there (following the track)

  • Ver61 on a CI V4 (no android update)

    when I’m in the WP/POI addition (long press or GPX record menu) and I type the name/comment , the keyboard pops up but I have no icon nor button to get rid of it and I then can’t finish the action.

    No emergency, actually I found a way to get around (sound level, settings and back)

    Maybe a setting or a CI issue ?




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  • Hi,
    finally, I conviced a friend to get rid of his Montana and go DMD2
    He’ll order a T865 but we wonder if the regular Amp adaptor will be enough or if we need the special longer arm (7cm if I recall correctly), because of the narrow windshield and the bigger odometer.
    (2014, R but big dash)

    We are a bit in a hurry as the next trip is in 4 weeks, no time to first order the tablet and then what needed

    Thanks for your pic if you have some

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