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    • #6656

      Today I drove with my 690 dmd2 on carpe iter 4b android 11 dmd2 70 akntive Track but not navigating on it. The devixe crashes 4 times no idea what the reason was.


      Hogh john
      I totaly agree on these priorities. To be able to add allmost one waypoint would give the possivility to route arround obstacles which force you ro drive back


      Hello John long ago that I posted.
      I have an item I would love to see implemented.
      A track analysis, ( like theone implemented in komoot) one coule do this alongside the track classification.Such an analysis would allow to plan the day and to calculate whether the planned distance for today is realistic.
      Also a question when will the next step in routing come along i would prefer routing along multiple waypoints
      Please continue to do your super job with the app


      You are right with all you have said but…. It is still beta when you use the 59. The stable was frozen at 3004 i think.


      There can be found apks in the web. But I dont know where they come from


      Hello John love the app always keen to experience the newest stuff.
      What about navigation urgently need possibility to choose almost one waypoint to be able to plan arround blocked tracks. And plan such stuff starting not at the own position but from a known waypoint (makes sense when you have a planned track and somebody informs you that a part of planned track is not viable at the present time.


      Hello John

      When we use Speed on the main Screen it means we use gps speed. Because it is GPS Speed we will loose the GPS signal in tunnels. Would it be possible to replace GPS Speed in the Main view with odo speed as soon as the gps signal is lost??This would make the use of the Main Speed much more reliable.


      Hello John when you link a media player app to the media player steering permanently this is at the moment not reversible. This is fatal if you realise that it does not work with the chosen app completely.


      Jello John thanks for explaning that all. Awfull how much inproductive time you habe to spend by explaining that stuff to google not knowing whether they will accept.
      Thanks for your good work


      Hello John
      Is there any hope for the updates to become online. In my understanding the problem lays in the background feature of dmd2. If there is no other possibility I think you should remove this feature from the google version until google accepts your arguments

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