Rooneyzoid posted in the group DMD Navigation
Hi João.
Do you need mobile data to use the group feature within the app on the move?Thanks in advance.
Benjamin posted in the group German DMD Users
Benny aus Hattersheim (Vorort von Frankfurt). Tenere World Raid.
Kevin Larsen posted in the group Norwegian DMD Users
Hei fra kalde nord. Gammel mann på gammel Honda XL600RM som forbereder seg på 5-6 uker nedover Europa til våren.
Farid Laid posted in the group Swiss DMD Users
Hallöchen aus zürich,
Ganz neu und noch nicht Besitzer des baldigen T865x 😉
BMW gsa rider on und off road und bald mit einer T7 extreme beschäftigt mit dem setup…
greets aus Zürich
Farid2 Comments - Load More Posts
Yes you do, you can either add a SIM card to the device or share the internet from your phone (create hotspot)