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    • DMD TPMS Kits incoming. Monitor tyre pressure and temperature with the DMD TPMS valve caps.
      More info soon!
      #NewProducts #DMDNavigation

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    • DMD-T665 Firmware Update: 2.1.1
      Bug Fixes
      2024-01-05 security patch
      2024-02-05 security patch
      2024-03-05 security patch
      2024-04-05 security patch
      2024-05-05 security patch
      2024-06-05 security patch
      Abstract ExternalInput method, split gpio and usb device
      apply 2023-12-05 security patch
      camera: Capture the exception of not having permission to save photos when calling externally
      camera: external camera don’t display operate icon
      camera: Fixed an error caused by synchronizing the writing path to the gallery without permission when calling the camera app externally.
      camera: trigger is enabled by default
      correct cradle’s usb serial port hangup after sleep
      correct selinux oemfs permission for package overlay engine
      don’t generate wake key events on suspend in the case of usb cradle keys.
      Modify ignition detection to broadcast
      thermal cooler threshold increased
      RemoteAssistance: update app_list command format
      remove lk boot menu
      remove sd_intern_allowed option
      remove ttyACM0 0660 permission
      Add external input, and change ignition trigger to external input.
      adding the curl command line tool
      allow getUiccCardsInfo for system applications
      allow MANAGE_DOCUMENTS permission for system apk
      allow system apk to get the CAPTURE_VIDEO_OUTPUT permission
      don’t display data usage menu in minimal setting configuration
      export the value of hid-bkt cradle on /dev/hid-bktX
      GPS test turns on camera and turns on charging
      optional overlay to set gesture navigation as default
      RemoteAssistance: setting_list command format updated
      RemoteAssistance: support for application list report
      RemoteAssistance: support for mqtt-over-websocket option. Server address updated
      set SD cards adoptable but always as shared storage
      support for cradle’s mcu USB events
      support from wakeup from usb cradle’s inputs
      support skip_copy_file build keyword
      SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW granted to system apps
      + Configuration Updated with latest system apps
      + Updated Buttons app which avoids relaunching DMD2 when DMD2 is already in view. When DMD2 is home instead of app launch actions we use global action “GO TO HOME”.
      #ROM-Updates #DMD-T665

    • DMD-T865 Firmware Update: 2.0.6
      – Thermal cooler threshold increased
      – Support skip_copy_file build keyword
      – Configuration Updated with latest system apps
      – Updated Buttons app which avoids relaunching DMD2 when DMD2 is already in view. When DMD2 is home instead of app launch actions we use global action “GO TO HOME”.

      #ROM-Updates #DMD-T865

    • DMD2 3.00070 released:
      – New settings for DMD devices, you can disable auto update check, check only when on wifi and check manually
      – Minor improvements on Route progress calculations
      – Improved route recalculation trigger
      – Roadbook instrument value edit, font size increase, by default text is just hint and not typed, you can now type the full value and save
      – Moved some bitmaps to graphic memory to decrease overall app memory consumption
      – Other small improvements

    • DMD2 3.00068 released:
      – Better GPX track analysis on routes with loop back on same path
      – New GPX Progress Warnings in GPX -> Settings -> Warnings
      – New Search by “Type Name” inside each POI Category
      – Other improvements and fixes

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