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Giambattista GiannoccaroOffline

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  • 2011 Ktm 990 Adventure, 2022 KTM 500 Six Days
  • Profile picture of João Pereira

    João Pereira posted in the group DMD Navigation

    DMD-T865 FW Update to 2.1.6:
    – Auto Off Update -> New settings to automatically shutdown when screen is off for more than X time
    – Buttons -> Added Support for DMD Remote 2 and Remote 3
    – Buttons -> Support for new apps: Rally Roadbook Reader / Piste Roadbook / Topo GPS
    – Added JAVA rewrite
    – OS level API for future camera accessories

    #ROM-Updates #DMD-T865

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  • Profile picture of João Pereira

    João Pereira posted in the group DMD Navigation

    DMD-T665 FW Update to 2.1.8:
    – Auto Off Update -> New settings to automatically shutdown when screen is off for more than X time
    – Buttons -> Added Support for DMD Remote 2 and Remote 3
    – Buttons -> Support for new apps: Rally Roadbook Reader / Piste Roadbook / Topo GPS
    – Increased maximim Heap size to 1GB -> DMD will be able to use more memory
    – Added new configuration value for update: lcd_user_density
    – 2024-07-05 security patch

    #ROM-Updates #DMD-T665

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  • Profile picture of João Pereira

    João Pereira posted in the group DMD Navigation

    DMD2 3.00087 released:
    – Fixed an issue with Roadbook Instrument edit
    – Fixed an issue where on Route to Track conversion in case of empty route there could be a crash showing the TOAST error
    – App Update Checks and self update now include all installs made using the APK
    – Fixed a case where the street name UI box was not being shown
    – Small adjustment to default Auto Zoom levels
    – Changed the Traffic Lights map icon
    – GPX Recorder improved state resume
    – Improved Location Service state check

    #DMD2 #DMD2Update

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  • Lots of questions about the different GPX file content terms. Decided to make this one to try to clear some!

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  • DMD2 3.00085 released:
    – Routes with more than 250 Route Points will be treated as Tracks -> More than 250 Route Points is just evil, dont be evil!
    – GPX Routes icons (route instructions and route points) now respect GPX Waypoint size setting
    – You can now convert a GPX Route to a full independent GPX File with the Route converted to GPX Track -> Useful if you want to share it or load it as a track.
    – Increased waypoint symbol compatibility to match our in-development web planner

    #DMD2 #DMD2Update

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About Me

Giambattista Giannoccaro

Beyond the confines of the business world, I have always been an adventurous traveller at Heart. From my passion for off-road motorcycle riding to embarking on a 10-years sailing journey with my wife on our 55-foot Catamaran, I have always sought to push myself out of my confort zone and explore new horizons.

As a Libra known for my creativity, unselfishness and zest for life, I'm committed to making the most of every day I have left.