Frank started the topic Using SD card for app downloads in the forum [App] Help Wanted
I just took a licence to DMD2 because I really like the setup,
you can see it´s made by & for motorriders. Thanks for that!
There is one issue, i have a tablet (crosscall T4) with 32Gb internal storage + an SD with 128Gb.
The app automaticly loads the maps in the internal storage wich is to small.
I do not see a way to change the storage location in the app. I have tried to move the maps with the Android system,
that seems possible but only with smaller maps and seems to create problems, so that´s not a solution.
I have also looked at the forum but I don´t find a solution.
Is there no way to change the storage location in the app?
Can you help me with this, because it strogly limits the possibility´s?
Thank you