Farid Laid posted in the group Swiss DMD Users
Hallöchen aus zürich,
Ganz neu und noch nicht Besitzer des baldigen T865x 😉
BMW gsa rider on und off road und bald mit einer T7 extreme beschäftigt mit dem setup…
greets aus Zürich
Farid2 Comments -
gofyktm posted in the group Thork Racing
I’m new member from Rottenburg/Germany. DMD since 2022.
Ivan Faoro posted in the group Swiss DMD Users
Hallo zusammen
Wie zufrieden seid ihr mit DMD2?5 Comments-
Hallo Marcus.
Allgemeine Frage in die Runde und neugierig ob jemand von den 26 Mitgliedern antwortet! 🙂
Habe Samsung Aktiv Tab 3 mit Ram Mount Halterung und finde die DMD App ein Mega Navigations Programm!!
João Pereira posted in the group DMD Navigation
Not sure you guys seen this, but the manual for the Group Manager is online:
https://www.drivemodedashboard.com/group-manage/ -> Will improve it later. -
Rodney C posted in the group DMD Navigation
Hey everyone. I went out for a ride on a test track just to try out the T865X on a local run. I am very impressed by the navigation. I am using the DMD app and could hear the turn by turn directions being played on the tablet. I purposefully went off course to see if the software would autoroute me back to my destination. Please note I am coming from the Garmin XT world. Is there a way to have the loaded track autoroute you back on the track if you stray off the track or did I just miss a setting? Thanks for any assistance.
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Willkommen und dann viel Spass mit deinem neuen Gadget!
Gruss aus dem TG