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    • #3981

      Google is arguing about something, more info about it on DMD2 FB…

      we just have to wait, DMD team is working on a solution😊



      Thank you so much, I am now updated!!!

      The CI is my first android device, so all  is new to me….But learning slowly😏




      The Beta version is already installed, my question is HOW i install the updates, for example 2,99956

      Do I have to reinstall the Beta by download the complete app from Playstore to get the updates?

      Is there an easier way?

      If so, please tell me more in detail.



      Hello John!

      Sorry for asking again…

      I bought a CI from Thork Racing, got my new license for the Beta version, there are some bugs, day/night mode is changing from light to dark in the middle of the day, auto zoom goes wild now and then, etc.

      I am in no means a computer expert, would rather  say I’m in the other end off the scale.

      I asked in  a post earlier how the upgrades is working, if it’s installed manually, or automatically?

      I would be more than happy for a small explanation how it works, and how to install the new upgrades in the Beta version.

      Keep up the good work.

      Best regards



      Does the updates in DMD2 BETA installs automatically, or do i have to do it manually, and if so, how?









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