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  • #7522

    Hi there,

    When I first downloaded the DMD2 app it only recorded tracks intermittently, and now does not record/load them at all.

    When starting a recording it displays “Recording GPX, press finish to end and save”, however it doesn’t display any details of distance, tracks, speed, time etc.  before I press finish & save, and then going into Recordings I try loading it, it keeps saying GPX Load Error, before deleting it.

    I am using a Motorola e13 with the latest update, and also have the latest DMD2 software.

    Any suggestions, would be greatly appreciated.


    • This topic was modified 5 months, 3 weeks ago by Steve.
    João Pereira

    The track needs content, if you don’t move and there is no points then it will be empty.

    You also need DMD2 to be in view, it will not run in the background.

    Last you need to have purchased the map plugin or it will only record 15m

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee


    Hi Joao,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Can I just confirm what you mean by the map plugin please. Is this the same as the Offline Map View (DMD2) which I have, if different then how do I purchase the map plugin?

    Thanks heaps.


    Hi again Joao,

    I went for a ride yesterday, and it recorded, saved, and reloaded fine. I’m not sure why it is starting to work again, but glad it has.

    Thanks for your help, great product & I’m looking forward to the new Android version 14 coming out.

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