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  • #34711

    I’m currently running DMD ver. 3.00180 on a T-685X.

    From what I can find, tapping the upper header bar in Map view is supposed to enable Screen Touch Lock. Is that correct?

    Also, if enabled, it will hide the bottom menu bar. I’ve confirmed that works.

    Does Screen Touch Lock work only when actively navigating a route or while moving? I ask because, when familiarizing myself with the tablet off the bike, I cannot get Touch Lock to work by tapping the upper header bar. It will still scroll/pan the screen by touch.

    In Settings, I have both “Auto lock screen touch when moving” and “Auto enable screen touch when you stop moving” both disabled/turned off.

    When “Auto lock screen touch when moving” is enabled, does tapping the header bar allow you to toggle “screen touch lock” on and off, but only while moving? Is that how it’s supposed to work? If so, that would explain why it’s not working for me while sitting in my recliner.

    Thanks for any clarification.






    João Pereira

    Tapping the top bar only hides / shows the bottom menu.
    To enable / disable touch you need to assign a key either to the remote or to the hardware keys. You can use the Buttons app (a system app installed in all our devices to configure the hardware keys on your device).

    And yes you can also configure a auto lock / unlock while moving / stopped in the DMD2 settings.

    When the screen is locked (either by using while moving setting or by manually locking it) the only way to unlock it again is either by pressing the configured hardware button (in the buttons app) or by stopping (if you are using the option to unlock when stopped)

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee



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