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  • #25902
    bas van der putten

    hi DMD,

    I have a question, there is a difference in behavior between my tablet an my phone.

    – on the tablet the language of spoken instructions is in Dutch.
    – om my phone the kanguage of spoken instructions is English.

    How can i change the setting on my phone?
    – to Dutch, because now an english setup tries to speak dutch sentences (hope I explain my problem well enough)

    gr Bas



    Same question for T665. Seems that it doesn’t matter what the Android TTS settings are, the directions are in English

    bas van der putten

    Hi rob,

    I have found the solution in the speach to tekst section,  my current language was not downloaded on the phone.

    after downloading the required language pack, (Dutch) in my case –  dmd workes fine.

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