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  • #2816

    Having said yes to the update on the 07/08/23 (I think the note in the prompt was updates to map screen nav UI…  Sorry I didn’t make a note of the version no.) Had lots of crashing of dmd2 from the map screen.  It even crash the Garmin completely and cause a full reboot.

    One note of this I could find a simple way of reverting back to the previous, ended up uninstalling and starting again.  Then realised I’d lost all the map data.  This was my mistake, but it might be worst a warning somewhere.

    The problem I have now is that I’m back to the version that came on the Garmin unit when I got it and can’t really update is it’ll just jump the version that has the issues?

    On the plus side dmd2 is so good that when I was forced back to using the Garmin map, I thought, no not using that! It was horrible!..

    João Pereira

    You probably will not like this reply but, why, instead of moving backwards dont you try to help me solve this?

    If you can create a scenario, step by step, that ALWAYS crashes, then I can easily reproduce it and fix it.

    You can send me any GPX files and instructions to

    Usually I can fix this in the same day!


    Hi John,

    Any reply is a good reply!

    I would be happy to help but I’m actually in the middle of a trip to the top of Norway, so at the moment I just need a stable version. Once I’m.back on around 26/08 I’ll install it again and see if I can get some repro steps for you.

    The only other info I have right now was that it would last about 3 – 5 mins before crashing. And that the remaining distance for the gps track wasn’t showing even though I was on a track. Thinking about it’s also possible that another track was also loaded (TET Sweden). As that’ll be my route back.

    Thanks for the great work on the app!



    Hi,  Further information on this.  I believe I have the gpx file that is causing the issue.

    This file comes from the website.

    Has a lot of points interest, but I think no actual track data?

    I think the crashing after X mins is just it taking that long the parse the data.  I’ve noticed a few time that the gpx file list seems to have a lag once there’s I few biggish file loaded.  And it and take a while just for a delete action to de reflected in dmd2.

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