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  • #12216

    Is DMD2 worth it for someone who does mostly on road riding? I do like fire road type stuff by my SAS is mostly a road bike, does DMD2 hit the mark there? Does the DMD2 app work the same (except for hardware differences) no matter what hardware it is run on? Or do the dedicated tablets present a much better experience?

    Rodney C

    Hey Chris,

    I was thinking the same when I got my unit because it seems like most of the posts are for offroad when my riding is 90% on road.  The beauty of the DMD software is that you have options at all times.  I use the DMD2 software for road navigation but you could also use Google Maps or my favorite for planning which is myrouteapp.  I have been a Garminhead for over 15 plus years and I took the leap to the tablet/DMD environment and I am not disappointed for making the move.  I am actually kicking myself for not making it sooner.  There are some great DMD2 tutorials on the site about the DMD2 software as well as some of the phenomenal features within that software that is not in Garmin.  Heck, its worth the switch to not have to deal with Garmin BaseCamp, Express, Garmin Drive, etc…..


    I appreciate the response. I am currently on the fence. I do know I would like the experience. It’s just a matter of if it’s worth the cost.

    Rodney C

    Understood Chris.  That is a very personal thing and I respect that.  I don’t know what your rocking now for a GPS unit but the XT2 is like $600 correct.  I respect whatever you decide you can do but I can only tell you from my point of view its worth it for me.  A quick story on is it worth it.  I went riding with a couple of my friends yesterday and that was the first time they could put their hands on a DMD setup.  They couldn’t put it down.  They were blown away will all the stuff that I could do over the Garmin setups that they had.  I don’t know if they were going to run out and purchase immediately but I am sure they might be willing to put some coins away toward the purchase.  Be safe on the roads!

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