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  • #3026

    I just got the new 865 tablet and have been working on getting it setup. I have not found a way to set the action associated with the three hardware buttons on the top left of the tablet. Are these configurable? If so how?

    João Pereira

    [quote quote=3026]I just got the new 865 tablet and have been working on getting it setup. I have not found a way to set the action associated with the three hardware buttons on the top left of the tablet. Are these configurable? If so how?[/quote]

    Not implemented yet, we will add options for it later, please give us a bit more time.



    does the T865 has a 5 Hz GPS?




    I saw the technical specs of the DMD-T865 and I have a question regarding the storage.

    There is 64Go internal storage + 64Go SD storage (seems to be included with the tablet).

    Do you have feedbacks about lack of storage space? Some application can use only internal storage and 64Go seems to be small.


    João Pereira

    [quote quote=3116]Hello, does the T865 has a 5 Hz GPS?[/quote]

    No it does not, it would be cool to have 2hz, 5hz for DMD2 is a bit unnecessary, but 2hz would be great.
    On the other hand although it is 1hz it has an amazing accuracy, quick fix, full accuracy values, no known issues like deviation offsets. Really happy with it.

    [quote quote=3190]Hello, I saw the technical specs of the DMD-T865 and I have a question regarding the storage. There is 64Go internal storage + 64Go SD storage (seems to be included with the tablet). Do you have feedbacks about lack of storage space? Some application can use only internal storage and 64Go seems to be small. Regards[/quote]

    Yes, for some clients 64 internal might be an issue, but we can only change storage space on a future model which might take a while to be ready.


    Since these are devices fully managed by you and you control the firmware updates, is it possible to keep a record of the Firmware updates changelog like you are doing for the DMD2 app, in this thread or in a dedicated one?

    In the past week I think I received 4 different firmware updates on my T865 and I would very much like to know what was fixed, or what features were added or deprecated.

    Thank you!

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