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  • #4462
    João Pereira


    Remote Controllers should be back working.

    As for the old CI and Roadbook im afraid the old CI will never work that good on DMD, i will try to improve it and also check the BarButtons thing.
    It is a nightmare to support all these freaking controllers…

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee

    Ali Endureur

    Hello Remote Controllers should be back working. As for the old CI and Roadbook im afraid the old CI will never work that good on DMD, i will try to improve it and also check the BarButtons thing. It is a nightmare to support all these freaking controllers…

    I’m really sorry about that – but you don’t want to buy new hardware after every release. Especially as the button function works in all other apps. So not only in the DMD2 main menu & the map menu, but also in other apps. The error only occurs in the DMD2 Roadbook app.

    Incidentally, I recently started using a DMD-T-865, before that I had a Carpe Iter V4b – still with the officially licenced DMD2 software. Everything ran very satisfactorily on it. So it would be really great if the bar button functions of the CI controller could be implemented again. I change motorbike frequently and the ingenious thing about the CI controller is that it doesn’t need a power supply as it has an internal battery.

    Your work and efforts are great though!



    • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by Ali Endureur. Reason: important additions
    • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by Ali Endureur.

    waiting for the F6 and F7 bugs to be fixed in roadbook.
    Is it just this defective barbuttons?

    Ali Endureur

    Also waiting…


    The issue with button A and button B on the roadbook has been resolved with the 62 update.
    Thank you

    Ali Endureur

    This would be great – I will check this tomorrow!

    Ali Endureur

    With the newest update 3.00064 CI Control now works fine!


    Hello John long ago that I posted.
    I have an item I would love to see implemented.
    A track analysis, ( like theone implemented in komoot) one coule do this alongside the track classification.Such an analysis would allow to plan the day and to calculate whether the planned distance for today is realistic.
    Also a question when will the next step in routing come along i would prefer routing along multiple waypoints
    Please continue to do your super job with the app


    Hello all,

    I don’t know if it’s a bug or if the function is not yet implemented, so I’m posting my request here.
    when I am in the “roadbook” page and I move, the compass works and shows me the heading; but if I stop, take a look at the map or the parameters, when I come back to “roadbook”, the heading is lost, the compass still displays 270.
    Is it possible for the compass to retain the heading data when I go to another page and return to the page with the compass?
    Thank you for your work !

    Best regards



    I believe the compass only works when you’re moving.


Viewing 10 posts - 871 through 880 (of 947 total)
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