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  • #3732

    Wish I could adjust the size of the four Android shortcuts on the home screen, they look too big on my Galaxy Note 8 IMHO.


    Note 8

    João Pereira

    Ver 3.00020, Home view: When set in top left corner of the gps/obd widget, ODO value can not be reseted/edited with long press. Works fine with ODO in other locations.

    Fixed for next update

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee

    João Pereira

    DMD2 – 3.00022:
    – Fixed a case where Odo view would not trigger dialog on long press when loaded in first slot of the GPS/OBD widget
    – Large GPX files import improvements
    – GPX direction reversion for Routes
    – Other improvements and optimisations

    DMD2 – 3.00021:
    – DMD2 now responds to SOS messages from new (soon to be released) DMD-T devices SOS system
    – DMD2 recorder / trip / etc now works with screen off -> only for DMD-T devices – other devices pending Background Location permission at Google Play Store
    – Optimised POI search/database – Might require pending map updates on some countries
    – Minor UI improvements
    – Fixed a case where first run – default configurations for map related settings (track width, track arrow, scaling, etc) was not being applied on phone type devices
    – Updated translations
    – Other minor fixes and improvements

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee


    DMD2 recorder / trip / etc now works with screen off

    Very nice! Hallelujah! 🙂


    Great news regarding background operation; thanks John!

    Just found out that 3.00022 still does not allow the setting to access location in the background. When does Google play store allow background location access? Is that a formal approval process there? No idea about it. Let us know…


    Hi John

    Nice to see you added support for 4 button controller!
    Could you make the title bar of the widgets autohide? So that it only shows when changing between widget pages. Then we get more space for the widget itself. Especially for the map widget.

    Also, any updates on OBD speed for the center widget?



    João Pereira

    DMD2 – 3.00023:
    – Route Calculation can now do matches to closest available road in case point is too far from roads
    – Route Re-Calculation now increases matching ranges automatically
    – Improved the recalculation feature for both single destination and GPX to Calculated Route conversion
    – Calculation speed should be improved
    – Fixed a case where on previous version when GPX to Route conversion failed instead of error dialog it would calculate to last valid destination

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee

    João Pereira

    DMD2 – 3.00024:
    – GPX Progress Window: You can now click on Auto POI icons to view more info
    – Greatly increased GPX Load speed
    – Greatly increased GPX Auto-POI speed

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee


    Hello Joao .Its getting better and better. But in 26 there is a little bug in landscape the bottom menue disappears sometimes on start , when you calculate a route or other actions. When you then lock and unlock the screen it reappears. Funny

    João Pereira

    Hello Joao .Its getting better and better. But in 26 there is a little bug in landscape the bottom menue disappears sometimes on start , when you calculate a route or other actions. When you then lock and unlock the screen it reappears. Funny

    Actually its probably because when you tap the top status bar you can toggle bottom menu visibility 🙂 Give it a try!


    DMD2 – 3.00027 / 28:
    – Improved Goole Maps URL sharing with reverse Geocode
    – Map view now shows current road name – you can disable in map settings
    – DMD2 can now be closed by BUTTONS app -> future DMD-T devices FW update
    – DMD2 will now check for background location permission on DMD-T devices
    – Other small improvements

    DMD2 – 3.00025/6:
    – Fixed a crash where GPX Track segments without points would cause app issues (although these should never exists they are a thing)
    – Fixed a case of app crash when user inserts numbers in settings which are text only, now properly validates
    – Added support for opening Google Maps URL types

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee

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