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  • #1081
    João Pereira

    Windy weather app: The widget can not be loaded. And if I load another app (My Radar) the data will not be updated. It stays without change. When I activate the smal circle on top right in the widget window (I assume it is the refresh) it goes back to the widget selection. Regards

    You need to manually start the app for that widget, for MyRadar usually I have to first open the app, configure everything, and then the widgets work just fine.

    When will the map layers for SAT imagery etc become available?

    Soon, very soon, need some more time to work on other small details.

    I managed to somehow make it display the correct RPM. I have to follow these steps: -all slots for sensors are set to fuel level. Only rpm is displayed. Don’t know if it makes a difference, but did not try another way. -plug the dongle and start the engine; -DMD2 starts and in a few seconds connects to the dongle – the Bluetooth icon in DMD2 turns blue and a fixed value for rpm is shown, always the same value, something like 4xxx. The dongle lights green and the green lights twinkle, as it would communicate/exchange data. – with the engine running I quickly unplug the ODB dongle, the Bluetooth icon in DMD2 turns red, and then plug ODB dongle back in again. The Bluetooth icon in DMD2 turns blue for a few seconds, then red again, then blue, and stays blue. Now the rpm value is displayed properly and responds to the gas pedal. -if I exit DMD2 or restart the android device, I have to redo the whole procedure.

    I have updated to version 2.82. I can see that the connection is slower. But the method described above does not work anymore. After connection, if I unplug then plug the dongle back, it takes a while to reconnect and then the same fixed values are displayed ( no more blue bluetooth icon for a few seconds, then red, then blue and data displayed properly).

    Im afraid I really need to get a dongle like that one, on the OBDLink is just flawless, with the last update its even better and faster.

    Hey, I would like ot suggest the a key to the map be available on the app.

    A key to the map? What key? Are you talking about an overlay message saying “invalid” key?? If so that was a bug with our private api keys, should be fixed, we been using temporary keys until we decide what plan we are going for.

    Also a bug. I paid for the life time maps and unknown to me it was refunded back in March. But I kept having access to all the maps both in the beta and the production version even though I didn’t pay the pop up for paying was there but I down downloaded more maps and was open for more then 15 min in the beta version

    The only limitation on the map will be the popup showing + you wont be able to use online tiles (since we pay for access to those).


    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee


    Im afraid I really need to get a dongle like that one, on the OBDLink is just flawless, with the last update its even better and faster.

    Do not worry, I ended up ordering an OBDLink myself. But I will keep testing with the Chinese one and let you know my observations. Thank you for the effort and for the great piece of software DMD2 is.

    João Pereira

    I don’t see how can I remove a column from the home view, will be added later or we’ll always have these 5 columns?


    Yes there will be a quick switch toggle to show only two columns and no bottom line.
    You will be able to toggle it even with the controller, should make everything bigger.

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee


    Does this mean that the plugins will work on all the Carpe Iter devices? Tried it on my Samsung first that came with the AJP PR7 but plugins are not active and it asks me to buy a subscription again

    João Pereira

    Does this mean that the plugins will work on all the Carpe Iter devices? Tried it on my Samsung first that came with the AJP PR7 but plugins are not active and it asks me to buy a subscription again

    DMD2 as always been available and fully unlocked on CARPE ITER tabs.
    For manufacturers specific versions like the version on the AJP PR7 and FANTIC it will probably only get the update when its ready for production, not the beta.

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee


    sorry, I miscommunicated. I was talking about the Beta on Carpe Iter which somebody seemingly was able to activate

    João Pereira

    sorry, I miscommunicated. I was talking about the Beta on Carpe Iter which somebody seemingly was able to activate

    So what are you saying? The plugins are not activating on your CARPE tab? If they are not you need to update to latest Beta version.

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee

    João Pereira

    Version 2.83 (06/02/2023)
    – Fixed an incorrect behaviour for controller which would make it stay “attached” to map
    – Prevent Heading / Cap from moving when you stop
    – Changed external widget “change widget” icon to a more “edit” style icon
    – Fixed a endless loop into Notification Permission dialog
    – Improved Map Theme change code
    – Fixed Fuel Sensor reset on tap in OBDView (when you use calculated fuel level)
    – Minor map theme improvements

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee


    did you had to uninstall it forst on the Carpe Iter? I just enrolled but it doesnt update on the PlayStore and throws an error message.


    did you had to uninstall it forst on the Carpe Iter? I just enrolled but it doesn’t update on the PlayStore and throws an error message.

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