Tagged: #Map types switch
7 June 2023 at 7:22 pm #2215harupipapaParticipant
apparently The keycode F5 seems to support continuous presses. The keycodes F6 and F7 don’t seem to support continuous presses. in roadbook mode When working with a PDF, pressing the button scrolls only once. You have to press the button each time. It’s a pain to press the button every time you want to look ahead in the PDF. Is this the specification? I want continuous operation just by pressing a button can you fix it? bar button galaxy tab active3 latest beta
Buttons are fully configurable in the Roadbook View settings (cog wheel in the roadbook view top right corner), you can literally set them to REPEAT or NOT, and even set the repeat speed!
Certainly there is a setting for continuous key presses in the load book settings,
F5 (button 1 of bar buttons) is valid.
This function is disabled for” F6″ and” F7″ (button 1 and button 2 of bar buttons).Upon inspection, the DMD Roadbook’s
corresponds to button A
“Keycode EQUALS” &” keycode A” is valid
“F6 “is disabledcorresponds to button B
“keycode minus” &” keycode escape “&”keycode C” &” keycode Back” enabled
“F7” is disabledPlease check and fix.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by harupipapa.
7 June 2023 at 7:57 pm #2217João PereiraKeymasterapparently The keycode F5 seems to support continuous presses. The keycodes F6 and F7 don’t seem to support continuous presses. in roadbook mode When working with a PDF, pressing the button scrolls only once. You have to press the button each time. It’s a pain to press the button every time you want to look ahead in the PDF. Is this the specification? I want continuous operation just by pressing a button can you fix it? bar button galaxy tab active3 latest beta
Buttons are fully configurable in the Roadbook View settings (cog wheel in the roadbook view top right corner), you can literally set them to REPEAT or NOT, and even set the repeat speed!
Certainly there is a setting for continuous key presses in the load book settings, F5 (button 1 of bar buttons) is valid. but This function is disabled for” F6″ and” F7″ (button 1 and button 2 of bar buttons). Upon inspection, the DMD Roadbook’s corresponds to button A “Keycode EQUALS” &” keycode A” is valid “F6 “is disabled corresponds to button B “keycode minus” &” keycode escape “&”keycode C” &” keycode Back” enabled “F7” is disabled Please check and fix.
You making it all confusing, there should be a specific firmware for that controller provided by the manufacturer.
I have no idea why you are talking about key code C or key code minus, or key code escape…
I will check it after tomorrow with the controller provided by the manufacturer with its firmware.DMD2 is not just about KeyCodes… its about correct key events and making sure DMD2 recognises the controller model.
DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
Buy Me a Coffee7 June 2023 at 9:25 pm #2218ParaenduristParticipantHello John
2.99920 short click on track does not function any more
7 June 2023 at 9:40 pm #2219ParaenduristParticipantJohn correction of the above.This Happens only when Poi in the gpx Manger IS in but No Poi Chosen. ITS a Bug in my opinion because IT has nothing to do with the poi
7 June 2023 at 9:55 pm #2220MonteParticipantAwesome! That was a bug I was fighting on my last trip. Stoked that you fixed it. Thank you!!!
8 June 2023 at 1:20 am #2221ParaenduristParticipantHello John would IT bei possible to Position the track behind the map so IT IS still possible to See the Route carcteristics
8 June 2023 at 1:17 pm #2222ParaenduristParticipantHello John
Was Out Testing dmd2 2.99920
Sorry to say New Poi following track of 350 km Takes about 20 minutes to load on my Carpe Iter 4b. Way toooooo Long.
New Bug when doing dmd2 navigate using dmd2 and do a Finish underway the left Side Box stays and does Not Go away.. 299919 was better. Sorry
10 June 2023 at 3:34 am #2228sejtamParticipantFound something strange today.
some time ago i had started a download of the Alps map, but it never completed. Then in the beta it showed as normal undownloaded (down arrow could icon), so i had forgotten that I started the download.
Today suddenly I see notifications from ‘Download Manager’ that it was (again) downloading ‘DMD – Alps’ (or some such), even in the app there was no indication of this.
Killing that just brought it back.
I then forced stop and ‘clear data’ for the App, but that download *still* re-appeared after a while
I had to go into the Settings/Apps., sort/enable system apps to be shown, select Downloads manager and then clear its cache
Who knows how many mega/gigabytes it used up trying to download that map in the background
10 June 2023 at 5:49 am #2229MurphyauParticipantDMD2 2.99920
I am not sure if this is a “bug” or a “design feature”. . . .
If I select a destination point on the map, and use the DMD2 in-built navigation function, it will plot a “public road” route and provide “turn by turn” direction.
However, If I deviate off this plotted route for some reason (e.g. road works / crash / traffic, etc) DMD2 continues to update and show my exact position on the map, but does not re-calculate a route to my destination, or even show how I get from my current position back to my original route.
As a “work around”, I can “Finish” option and close the original route, and then manually create a new route from my current position to my original destination, but this is rather difficult at 100 kph.
Shouldn’t DMD2 automatically do this “re-calculation” for me ?
Is there a menu option / method to force DMD2 Navigation to re-calculate a route when my current position is some distance off the original planned route ??
10 June 2023 at 8:10 pm #2234ParaenduristParticipantHello John I gain found some strange behavior in 2.99920. in the gpx settings the on track Points are calculated even when the calculated track Poi IS crossed Out when the Chosen Points are marked on. Only If everything IS unckecked IT IS Not calculated.it calculated even when the track IS invisible.
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