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  • #869
    João Pereira


    Please use this post for questions and suggestions about DMD2 development.
    Can also be used for bug reports, although, if needed, some bugs we will move to new thread for further discussion.

    Installing DMD2:
    – Go to Google Play Store and search for DMD2, install it, done.

    For non Play Store devices:

    – Download latest apk and install manually, click here to download (will always download latest)
    – App will auto update itself on start


    Change Log:

    DMD2 3.00088:
    – When a GPX Track and a GPX Route overlap the progress box gives priority to Route -> If you want to see the Track progress just use the GPX Manager to hide the Route
    – Improvements to the Map Downloader
    – When using the new Beta Web Planner the Route profile is store as extension in the GPX so that DMD2 will load the file with the same profile as default -> Can be changed by the user at any moment and it recalculates
    – Other small improvements

    DMD2 3.000875:
    – Fixed an issue with Roadbook Instrument edit
    – Fixed an issue where on Route to Track conversion in case of empty route there could be a crash showing the TOAST error
    – App Update Checks and self update now include all installs made using the APK
    – Fixed a case where the street name UI box was not being shown
    – Small adjustment to default Auto Zoom levels
    – Changed the Traffic Lights map icon
    – GPX Recorder improved state resume
    – Improved Location Service state check

    DMD2 3.00085:
    – Routes with more than 250 Route Points will be treated as Tracks -> More than 250 Route Points is just evil, dont be evil!
    – GPX Routes icons (route instructions and route points) now respect GPX Waypoint size setting
    – You can now convert a GPX Route to a full independent GPX File with the Route converted to GPX Track -> Useful if you want to share it or load it as a track.
    – Increased waypoint symbol compatibility to match ADVHUB Planner

    DMD2 3.00084 released:
    – Roadbook Edit Instrument values now take in consideration the measurement correction factor
    – Roadbook Measurement Correction Factor dialog now includes a reset button to go back to x1 (no correction)
    – Roadbook Instrument 3 – Fixed a case of double value overlay (usually a sticky “0”)
    – Roadbook now supports files with password – User will be asked to insert password
    – GPX Recorder on save now shows a file generation progress dialog, a lot of users complaining about lost GPX recordings were because while the GPX file was being generated in the background they closed the app, now you can see the progress and wait for it to finish
    – Added Hide Keyboard to missing dialogs: Recorder / Coordinates Insert / Places / My Locations

    DMD2 3.00081 and 3.00082 released:
    – Fixed a case where manually selecting the Remote controller model was not being applied immediately but only after app restart
    – Hiding a GPX Route was not working, its now fixed
    – Fixed a case with F6/F7 controller keys only worked with DMD remotes
    – For Routes and Navigation points if any point is not on a path in our map, we now correct up to 10Km of distance to snap it to a spot where we can route
    – Fixed some small issues causing Active3 crashes and possible other devices (related to map layers swap/replace/add)

    DMD2 3.00080 released:
    – GPX Manager – now supports GPX files with ROUTES.
    – GPX Manager – Removed Advanced button and replaced it with “invert direction” switch
    – GPX Manager – Preserves last selection position going forward and back in the menus
    – GPX Manager – Removed all options to convert Track to calculated route -> Finally!!! Bye bye!
    – Map Themes – Made some small islands name show only on lower zoom levels and made some places like “neighbourhood” and “hamlet” show at higher zoom levels
    – Moved from Location Manager provider to Fused Location Provider – Falls back to Location Manager when Fused not available
    – Fixed a case where voice would trigger for “Wrong direction” and “Away from track” even when it was disabled
    – Map View – When you hide the right side widgets, if you have active track instructions they will take its space
    – Navigation and GPX Progress – fixed a case where they could freeze
    – Added extra controller key debounce check to check and prevent stuck keys
    – Many other small fixed and improvements, this was a big update, will keep it under the radar to do immediate patches in cases anyone finds any issue!

    DMD2 3.00078 released:
    – From version 70 to 77 all the changes where for DMD2 Event -> we will share more about this when we open this to public use
    – New GPX Instructions feature, configure it in GPX -> Settings -> Instructions
    – Improved track position detection
    – Fixed some minor issues

    DMD2 3.00070 released:
    – New settings for DMD devices, you can disable auto update check, check only when on wifi and check manually
    – Minor improvements on Route progress calculations
    – Improved route recalculation trigger
    – Roadbook instrument value edit, font size increase, by default text is just hint and not typed, you can now type the full value and save
    – Moved some bitmaps to graphic memory to decrease overall app memory consumption
    – Other small improvements

    DMD2 3.00068 released:
    – Better GPX track analysis on routes with loop back on same path
    – New GPX Progress Warnings in GPX -> Settings -> Warnings
    – New Search by “Type Name” inside each POI Category
    – Other improvements and fixes

    DMD2 3.00066 – 67 released:
    – Location Service removed position filter for CARPE devices (accuracy values not constant causing update skips)
    – Fixed a bug where map loading could be all white
    – Improved controller detection on multi controller setups
    – Improved SD Card detection on DMD devices
    – Improved Move to SD Card / Move to Internal Storage actions

    DMD2 3.00065 released:
    – Removed location filter for CARPE tabs
    – Added option to disable track start and end auto waypoint -> GPX -> Settings -> Auto Waypoint
    – Other small fixes and improvements

    DMD2 3.00064 released:
    – Fixed a case where you could not change app theme color / accent color
    – Improved the location service termination
    – Fixed other small bugs that could cause crashes
    – Added allow path route calculation in the road profiles since in some countries residential areas have “path” as road type tag
    – Fixed a bug when selection H1 controller and improved controller auto detection
    – Changed the default road color on topo map theme to light grey instead of white

    DMD2 3.00063 released:
    – Memory clean up on app close
    – Fixed a case where wrong fuel tank average could cause crash
    – Firmware / App updates now include “LATER” button which will not show the dialog in the next 14 hours
    – Other small improvements

    DMD2 3.00059 – 62 released:
    – Improved controller detection and re-added manual controller selection in case its not working for you.
    – Fixed case where on Roadbook the controller + and – (Button A and B) was not working on some controllers.
    – Improved GPX Load / Delete and other operations which could look like they were freeze – it was due to background POI loading being processed, it now jumps action or shows you a message.
    – Other improvements.

    DMD2 – up to 3.00058:
    – A lot of this versioning was due to try to get the app approved again on Play Store
    – Fixed (hopefully) cases of app black screen when returning and other symptoms caused for using DMD2 as home with SD Card and Screen Lock
    – Map Tilt correctly resumed on Follow Travel engage / Resume
    – Added controller option for hide / show small map in Roadbook
    – Fixed and improved other cases with controllers and Roadbook
    – Location Service states improved on pause / resume / screen off / etc
    – Top Status bar, weather can now be fetched from My Radar -> Notifications
    – Massive app startup changes to improve performance and stability
    – New Italian Translation and other languages updates
    – Added Fantic Registration mode (we have reached agreement)

    DMD2 – 3.00049 – 3.00050:
    – Play Store and DMD devices version matching
    – Bug fixes, nasty ones that do boo boo

    DMD2 – 3.00048:
    – Unfortunately we decided to remove everything related to Light Sensor theme changes, this needs to be fully redone, not because of the light sensor logic but because of the way Theme changes happen in Android. Theme / Style changes require full app restart, which for an app like ours just causes too many issues. We will have to rewrite ALL views to include code for color / graphics changes so that we can do them without restarting the app.
    – Auto Zoom and Auto Tilt now include code to avoid quick changes back and forth
    – Fixed a case where scrolling POIs would gradually decrease zoom on each change
    – Removed GPX to Route conversion… got something better coming soon
    – Added support for 360 degree map panning with multi speed/sensibility
    – Added map file check to avoid loading incomplete / corrupted map files
    – Other small fixes and improvements

    DMD2 – 3.00046/47:
    – Added Notification for DMD-T devices system updates
    – Top bar will show weather if available in notifications (from Google Now, depends on Launcher)
    – Slight increase on Routing line
    – Reduced Auto Tilt values
    – GPX files with more than 2500 waypoints are considered error -> this is plain stupid split that shit or properly generate the GPX

    DMD2 – 3.00044 – 3.00045:
    – Fixed some cases where controller actions would crash due to no selection on lists/grids
    – Fixed correct list / grid controller actions when wired controller mode -> lots of dialogs are pending controller implementation
    – Added a bad GPX case where the GPX is thousands of waypoint (instead of track points)
    – Improved track point / navigation progress detection
    – Fixed a case where some Auto POI categories would not load
    – Improved app close speed / cleanup
    – 3D Buildings now show at lower zooms
    – 3D Buildings shadows now sync with current time
    – Fixed POI Highlights settings not being applied after app restart
    – New your location indication on map edges when your location is out of view
    – Other small improvements



    Is there a path to return to the stable version after testing the beta?

    João Pereira

    [quote quote=871]Is there a path to return to the stable version after testing the beta?[/quote]

    Go to Play Store, unsubscribe the Beta, uninstall DMD2 and Reinstall. That is it.


    Beta installed on the Carpe Iter. How do I activate the plugins I’m licensed with the tablet purchase?


    The beta is awesome but I keep losing the bluetooth connection to the adventure controller and the obd dongle.Obd automatically reconnects but the controller stays dead until I turn the ignition off and on again

    Samsung ActiveTab 2

    Adventure Controller

    Obd Link MX+


    Tapping ‘Waypoints’ from the GPX manager reliably crashes DMD2.

    1. Upload GPX from Google Drive
    2. Tap GPX from map page
    3. Tap uploaded GPX
    4. Tap ‘Waypoints’

    App will then crash.

    • Only one GPX in the manager
    • GPX has multiple waypoints, but one track
    • Interestingly, then tapping ‘Send feedback’ also crashes the ‘Google Play Store’

    GPX file attached

    João Pereira

    [quote quote=873]Beta installed on the Carpe Iter. How do I activate the plugins I’m licensed with the tablet purchase?[/quote]

    This was not supposed to be used on CARPE tabs because for those we will release it through Carpe Manager App Shelf.
    Either way, on today update it will enable your plugins (we added device detection code), so it will work after you update from Play Store.

    [quote quote=875]The beta is awesome but I keep losing the bluetooth connection to the adventure controller and the obd dongle.Obd automatically reconnects but the controller stays dead until I turn the ignition off and on again Samsung ActiveTab 2 Adventure Controller Obd Link MX+[/quote]

    Sorry but that is not related to the app at all, the BT connections are managed by the device BT stack, and the Active Tab 2 uses a somewhat old and known to be problematic stack (specially when you connect more that one device).

    [quote quote=876]Tapping ‘Waypoints’ from the GPX manager reliably crashes DMD2.

    1. Upload GPX from Google Drive
    2. Tap GPX from map page
    3. Tap uploaded GPX
    4. Tap ‘Waypoints’

    App will then crash.

    • Only one GPX in the manager
    • GPX has multiple waypoints, but one track
    • Interestingly, then tapping ‘Send feedback’ also crashes the ‘Google Play Store’

    GPX file attached[/quote]

    Thank you!!! There was indeed a crash when the GPX Waypoint Symb (icon) was null (not defined in the file), fixed for todays update!

    João Pereira

    Version 2.80 (01/02/2023) released today
    – Fixed bug where opening waypoint details would crash the app when no icon was defined in file
    – Added registration (license purchase) for devices without Google Play Store
    – Fixed a bug where the GPX Manager – Settings – Show or Hide – Show All Enable Waypoints – was not being applied after app restart
    – Unlocked all plugins for CARPE Tabs

    You can now download the APK from the first post to install on devices without Google Play Store.
    (For now you will have to keep manually updating).


    I am on 2.8 with Xiaomi Note 11. The Kompass is frozen.




    thankyou for your efforts and good work!

    playing around with the beta i noticed a few points:

    – will it be possible to hide upper and lower bars?

    – media widget not showing album cover (apple music/spotify)

    – will obd section become more settings/options (as in the current stable version)

    – is it possible to set the download path for offline maps (eg to an sd card)?




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