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  • #3943

    I plan to ride all my tours with DMD2 this year. On the hardware side, I’m really happy with Tab active3, Ram holder and URSAE remote control and the navigation with DMD2 is perfect so far.
    However, I have several tours planned in Kurviger that I would like to use. I have tested the import in DMD2 and then the option to generate a tour and it actually looks very promising. I also tried something with the GPX editor and the route seemed to deviate a little more. So I wanted to ask if anyone has tried more with it and which export settings are good for importing into DMD2 and then converting the file as a route and keeping it as identical as possible. It is specifically about routes that are mainly onroad to get from A to B nicely but faster.
    Good and bad experiences are welcome 🙂


    I’m  using a Tab Active5 and have yet to solve the importing a GPX file containing a Route calculated on another device or stand-alone program. The “routes” I have imported so far have usually only displayed a beginning and an end point with a straight line connecting them. The files all contain Garmin style “rte” points which define the actual course of the Route. When I import a GPX containing both a Route and a Track the Track will actually follow the course. But, when I attempt to convert the Track to a Route in DMD2 it will fail on long Tracks and will take a very very long time to convert other not-so-long tracks. When it fails I usually get a message that DMD2 has run out of memory.

    I have tried importing Routes from both Kurviger and Furkot (furkot.com) with the latter routes exported using both the standard GPX format and the Garmin 1.1 GPX format.

    Jose Daroca

    Olaf, creo que para exportar la ruta desde Kurviger debes de quitar el Tic de pista sino te exporta tanto Track como ruta y te la duplica, Yo utilizo Kurviger para  carretera y DMD2 para campo pero como sigan mejorando DMD2 lo utilizare en todo porque cuando llueve Kurviger no puedes bloquear pantalla y este si, en un viaje reciente a Pirineos me llovió y en K se me volvía loca la pantalla


    Gracias por el consejo, lo intentaré. Tuve suerte con la lluvia este año, pero espero poder usar solo dmd2 pronto.

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