João Pereira

Hello John In my case its not like that.when i long press on the fuel indicator im Map or Homescreen i get the dialog to change the button. When i long press on the rest of the left widget in map view i get the reset option for the trip data

Long press on the fuel widget in the map right panel widget – Shows dialog to Reset / Edit the fuel.
Tap on the fuel widget in the map right panel widget – Will show dialog to exchange the widget

If yours is not like this then you do not have the latest app version.


Hi, I just bought the DMD-T665. I prefer to mount it in a vertical position for enduro riding, but then the top right icons are bigger and overlapping the ones on the left. I know you guys are working on it? But do you have an estimate on when it will be fixed? Is it worth it to un-install this version and go back to the old one for now? Thanks in advance.

There is no portraits layouts, trying to use the app in portrait will make it look all crazy and really bad.
We should have portraits ready by the end of the current year. Its going to be A LOT of work…

DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
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