Hi Charley, I’ll try to answer you.
To mount the Silverfox control, you have to move the rearview mirror a little. Just enough to leave enough space. I’ll try to find a photo of when I installed it, to show you.
To use the BMW “wonder wheel” there is a CARPE-ITER option https://carpe-iter.eu/bmw-control/
I didn’t like this option very much, because you have to use your right hand. (the same as for accelerating…) But it’s not a bad option. My biker friend uses it.
With the Silverfox control you have to use your index finger, instead of your thumb, but you get used to it. And the truth is that when I drive I don’t move much through the different applications on the DMD-T865x Tablet.
Although I have configured the physical buttons in such a way that I can start the apps that I use the most, and move between them.
The configuration I have on the DMD-T865x is:
I always start with the DMD app as Home.
On the P1 button I have: Toggle Screen Touch.
On the P2 button: Switch User App / DMD2 and as app Google Maps
On the P3 button: Switch User App / Home (where Home is the DMD2 App) and as App, OsmAnd.
This way I can switch between maps from the DMD, GoogleMaps and OsmAnd. Of course, I do have to physically press the buttons on the tablet while driving, although it is not a problem.
The fourth application I use the most is TerraPirata, for roadbooks. But when I navigate with a roadbook I almost never leave that application.
I hope, this answer can help you.