Hello John
Im testing every day the trip Home - Work and Work - home and today the recalculation was ok, I didn
t get any crash.
I know that you are more off road oriented, but also on the everyday ride on paved road, so using it on the easy Sunday ride will be great to have a screen with both map and direction information and other OBS/trip information.
In the Home screen the map view on the left is perfect, but you miss the turn-by-turn notification, so will be great to have.
– A widget on the right side to list all the next direction instruction with the next waypoint or activated POI, I guess we can have a list of 4/5 elements with Name Km left and time
– When you are close to a direction change, according to speed 100m before or more if you are going fast on that new widget and maybe also on the trip widget should become a big signal with the indication and the distance left, like when you are in MAP view and you have the small icon tell YOU TURN RIGHT NOW