michael hecken started the topic Will Remote 2 Joystick work with bluetooth as 4 way Joystick?? in the forum Handlebar Controllers
A simple question were I dont find the answer.
It says: Full 360 degree map panning (only by cable connection)
But does it support 4 way Joystick mode via bluetooth or does it not work at all with Bluetooth?
Andy Malloch started the topic Auto Map Theme Change – light/dark in the forum [App] Feature Request
Maybe I have missed something, and someone can point me in the right direction.
I like using the dark them in the DMD2 all the time, and like the light map theme during day light hours and the dark at night. Right now I can only do this by manually changing the map theme in the map settings. It would be great to add an auto, sunrise and sunset feature, and a more manual time set feature.
Brian started the topic Using OBD2 data through WiFi instead of BlueTooth in the forum [App Section] OBD2 View
I own a 2024 KTM 500 EXC-F and am using the Taco Motor Get SX! Pro ECU by Athena which transmits the OBO2 data via WIFi and not through Bluetooth. Is there any to use the WIFi data for the engine monitoring on the T-865x.
Looking for OBD information on the Suzuki V-Strom 1050XT and how to display it.
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