• When the 865X tablet is 12v powered from the pins in the mount, will the Remote 2 Controller receive 12v power when it’s directly connected to the back port on the tablet, instead of the 3 way splitter?

    I’m trying to make the wiring routing and connections of the harness as minimal and clean as I can.


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    In case of need, help, or simply to spend a moment.

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  • I have a 2020 BMW R1250GS and can not get the OND2 dongle to send data to DMD

    T865X tablet

    CI BMW Control hub with the extra 4 Button switch for throttle housing.

    all buttons including BMW wonder wheel/control are working and correctly programmed.

    on the OBD Scanner M1

    Green light on for power
    blue light on for Bluetooth

    on the DMD unit

    app page /settings /

    Connected devises:


    Saved devices

    DMD OBD M1 (initially showed connected for handshake then dropped to saved devices)

    OBD page

    blue circle for Bluetooth

    select settings gear above the blue Bluetooth symbol

    Select ELM 327 Bluetooth device

    DMD OBD M1

    (Note: tried the BMW_CMDI it fidnt send any engine data so I bought the OBD dongle)

    OBD protocol is set to auto


    the DMD tablet is not reading or displaying any data at all from the OBD dongle,


    I would have thought the DMD software would have picked up the engine data from the BMW control hub since the data is there for a BMW NAV VI, but it didn’t, and now I’ve got nothing from the OBD dongle being displayed either.


    Ive disconnected and connected over a dozen times with no change in results.


    do I have something set up incorrectly? Missing something? Others with same results?

    what’s the trick or fix?

  • Profile picture of TR42

    TR42 started the topic Remote 2 set up in the forum [App] Help Wanted

    Does the Remote 2 need to be connected to the bikes 12v system for it to work when connected to the 865X tablet?

    With the tablet powered up and the switch connected to the back of the tablet, I was going to try playing with it off the bike to learn how to use it and program the button functions, but it seems like it won’t run solely off the tablets battery.

    And apparently, from what I’m finding in the tutorials at Thork, the switch has to be paired via Bluetooth also. And it’s not being detected. So that’s another indication it has to be powered by the bike to function.

    The LED light above the upper button is also not lit, which I’m guessing it should be if the Remote is receiving power.

    Thanks any info.

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