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    5 months ago

    Hi Joao, coming from an on road background and doing long on road tours, I used to use Basecamp and now for many years I have been using MyRouteApp (MRA) as my preferred route planning software. Having very recently bought the T665 with DMD2 it does an excellent job with MyRouteApp navigation, so very happy.
    With DMD2 I can see why off road bikers, would absolutely love DMD2, it has some terrific real time tricks up its sleeve, so bravo for creating it. I just wish there was a little more focus for us on road guys! No that’s unfair, for I also saw in DMD2 the excellent dashboard.

    I have imported routes created in MyRouteApp and they come into DMD2 very well. I have not yet tried riding an imported route, using DMD2. I was surprised to see that both the route and track come onto the OpenStreet Map and there seems to be no problem with turn by turn audio navigation. Of course when exporting a route from one route planner to another there is usually a loss of specific information created for the original route. For example in MRA, a route point, whether a via point or shaping point can have notes attached to it and when on the bike the text in the note is converted into an audio message as one approaches the route point. This is very helpful for it gives a reminder/advance warning of useful/important information about something on the route. Clearly if using a track all that information would be lost.