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  • #7763
    João Melo Alves


    I’ve searched the app requests (not thoroughly, but did so) and couldn’t find this one (my apologies if it’s repeated).

    For day-to-day commuting, even though I have the T865 permanently installed on the moto, I use my main phone for short trip navigation. It is, simply put, more practical to enter/search for an address with the phone on my hand then place it on the mount, than to reach out and type on the vertically-mounted tablet. Most of the times it feels awkward, afterwards, to be navigating on the phone’s small screen when I have the T865 right in front. Enters the request:

    Would it be feasible to have some sort of applet or link installed on my phone, paired with my tablet, to which I could send my current (phone’s) navigation (be it gmaps or waze), receiving that request directly on my tablet with a prompt to “open with DMD or other app?”? I imagine this to allow a swift transition between two separate devices of a same navigation session, regardless of the involved apps.

    Regards, and kudos for the excellent – and continuously improving – ecosystem.


    João Pereira

    Yes i love this idea, and there used to be something like that on a very old DMD2 version.
    We do have plans to create a Companion app version for DMD2, something you install on your phone to mirror notifications, send files, manage locations, etc.
    This will be done sooner or later, its a matter of time.

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee

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