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  • #6037
    Johann Strasser

    Hallo Joao,

    Ich möchte die Roadbook-Funktion von DMD2 nutzen. (Testversion 3.00067) Um einen Korrekturfaktor einzugeben, verwende ich den Entfernungsmultiplikator. Ich gebe 1,03 statt 1 ein.

    Aber ich muss auch den Scrollbetrag für die Papierlaufbewegung einstellen. (Ich habe es auf 29 gesetzt)

    Aber obwohl ich immer auf Speichern drücke, springt die Einstellung des Entfernungsmultiplikators immer auf 1
    und der Wert ändert sich beim Scrollen immer auf fast Null (es gibt keine Bewegung, wenn ich die Taste des CI Terrain ComandIII drücke)

    Was soll ich tun?

    Danke für die Hilfe

    Johann Strasser

    João Pereira

    Sorry mate, English only!

    Johann Strasser

    Hello Joao,

    I would like to use the roadbook function of DMD2. (Testversion 3.00067) To enter a correction factor I use the distance multiplier.I enter 1.03 instead of 1.

    But I also need to set the scroll amount for the paper run movement.(i set it at29)

    But even though I always press save the distance multiplier setting always jumps to 1
    and the value always changes to nearly zero when scrolling(there is no movement when i press the button of th CI Terrain ComandIII )

    What should i do?

    Thanks for Help

    Johann Strasser


    Johann Strasser


    to find in:

    Adjustments (in Roadbook mode)
    Distance multiplier:
    In case an adjustment to the roadbook distance is needed, add a correction factor for the total and partial routes

    Johann Strasser

    Hello Joao,

    I would like to use the roadbook function of DMD2. (Testversion 3.00067) To enter a correction factor I use the distance multiplier.I enter 1.03 instead of 1.

    But I also need to set the scroll amount for the paper run movement.(i set it at29)

    But even though I always press save the distance multiplier setting always jumps to 1
    and the value always changes to nearly zero when scrolling(there is no movement when i press the button of th CI Terrain ComandIII )

    What should i do?

    Thanks for Help

    Johann Strasser


    to find in:

    Adjustments (in Roadbook mode)
    Distance multiplier:
    In case an adjustment to the roadbook distance is needed, add a correction factor for the total and partial routes

    Johann Strasser


    Hello Joao,

    I would like to use the roadbook function of DMD2. (Testversion 3.00067) To enter a correction factor I use the distance multiplier.I enter 1.03 instead of 1.

    But I also need to set the scroll amount for the paper run movement.(i set it at29)

    But even though I always press save the distance multiplier setting always jumps to 1
    and the value always changes to nearly zero when scrolling(there is no movement when i press the button of th CI Terrain ComandIII )

    What should i do?

    Thanks for Help

    Johann Strasser

    to find in:

    Adjustments (in Roadbook mode)
    Distance multiplier:
    In case an adjustment to the roadbook distance is needed, add a correction factor for the total and partial routes

    Adjustments (in Roadbook mode)
    Distance multiplier:
    In case an adjustment to the roadbook distance is needed, add a correction factor for the total and partial routes


Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
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