João Pereira

[quote quote=3949]Hello John Is there any hope for the updates to become online. In my understanding the problem lays in the background feature of dmd2. If there is no other possibility I think you should remove this feature from the google version until google accepts your arguments[/quote]

Just made yet another submission of my case to them, this will be my last attempt, been on this everyday for more than one week.
Funny how people are giving me 1 star rating on Play Store because “SD Card support removed”…. when in reality not even a crappy foreground service approval we can get, something we use since day one and THOUSANDS of apps use.

I think google is dead set on killing navigation apps or make as limited as possible.

The list of things that we have removed already is INSANE… this will soon start to lead to people saying “Why can you do all those thing on your DMD devices but not on the other devices”, im 100% sure people will say this is on purpose.


Here is what is going on:

From Google:

Specifically, we are unable to approve your app’s use of FOREGROUND_SERVICE permission because we found the following information provided to be insufficient in evaluating compliance with foreground service permission requirements:

The video link you provided in the Play Console declaration, and/or
The app description in the Google Play store.


My description in the Play Store app page:

When using DMD2 you can run it also as foreground service allowing you to use other apps while DMD2 will keep running its trip computer and/or GPX Recorder as a Foreground Service. This makes sure your Trip values or your track recording do not get lost even if you want to use other apps at the same time.

My Policy Description for the reviewer:

NOTICE: Starting version 300038 (3.00038) – By default we now made this feature DISABLED -> It requires the user to manually enable it!

1. Provide a description of the app functionality that is using each foreground service type:

Allows the app to keep incrementing Trip values and record GPX track while running as foreground service. This is useful when the user uses our app as default home launcher and you move from our app to another app but still want to keep incrementing TRIP and recording GPX track.
Since the main goal of our app is to be used as a motorcycle dashboard where you can also start other apps the user expects the dashboard to correctly keep track of trip, odometer and trip recordings even if he moves to another app.

2. Describe the user impact if:
the task is deferred by the system (does not start immediately); and/or
the task is interrupted by the system (paused and/or restarted).

If this task is deferred or stopped by system it means the trip values, odometer and GPX recording will not be correct anymore, the user will loose the data he is expecting the app to increment.

By default we now made this feature DISABLED, it now requires the user to manually enable it from the app settings!
And, even if the user manually enables this, when the user closes the app to move to another app we display a dialog on app close to allow the user to select to close or run as foreground service.


My video explaining the feature:


And this is for something as basic as Foreground Service which already includes a dialog when user closes the app and already includes a setting to disable this and this casts a notification so that the user can see that the service is running!
Now imagine what would take for the SD Card permission… lol its like 10x worse.