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  • #3655

    running version 3.00014 on google pixel 6a. GPX recorder seems to work fine but garmin basecamp wont open exported file and states it is an ivalid file type – any idea’s ?

    João Pereira

    I think is probably because our GPX recorder adds the SPEED field which is not supported by basecamp.

    I installed Basecamp in my laptop and will check all the fields to see which is causing this.

    Best i can do is add an option in the recorder to disable X field to keep compatibility with BaseCamp.


    Thanks for the reply. That solution would be fine for me as I only want to record a route and I’m not bothered about what speed I was doing.



    Plus one, here! For me compatibility with Basecamp is crucial, since all my rides for 10+ years are kept in Basecamp.

    For what it worths, when I save gpx with Garmin or few other android apps, they DO show speed in gpx and Basecamp see this correctly. Speed format maybe?

    João Pereira

    [quote quote=3672]Plus one, here! For me compatibility with Basecamp is crucial, since all my rides for 10+ years are kept in Basecamp. For what it worths, when I save gpx with Garmin or few other android apps, they DO show speed in gpx and Basecamp see this correctly. Speed format maybe?[/quote]

    Hey any chance you can send me one of those GPX files that actually load on base came and have speed? Maybe im formatting the numbers incorrectly.
    Please send me one to

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