João Pereira

[quote quote=2759]Beta 2.99938 crash everytime I click the finish route. Navigation route line is on top of street names. Can you set default thickness same as the street? [/quote]

You cannot draw anything bellow a map source element. So yeah, lines will be on top of names. It will require a MAJOR redo of the engine.

[quote quote=2760]Hello John I am sorry.This time you missed your shot. The tracks are still not wide enough . Its a tiny bit better but not really visible on route. The version in 299936 was good. Like mp said dmd2 crashes if you finish dmd2 navigation. I cant find the control to manipulate the look of the route generated by dmd2 . I appreciate your work. I leave for my tour on sunday and would like to use dmd2 Best regards[/quote]

Fixed and all your wishes are now been listened to and added to the app.


Beta 2.99939:
– Removed a debug flag (yes an actual flag showing on the map) in the Routing progress
– Fixed a crash when finishing a navigation
New Routing map UI settings in Map Layers manager (line width and transparency, direction arrows size, waypoints icon size)
– Updated translations (added initial French translation)

Oh yeah… two updates in the same day!