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  • #2590


    I’m using DMD2 v.2.99910 as preinstalled on my device, just bought.

    Is there any possibility to load a list of my own POI’s, fully independent from any route, and to be shown like hotels or shops or attractions or ….? E.g. a POI collection of castles or botanical gardens or mountain passes.
    Sure I have them on my PC and use when planning a trip. But this POI list at home does not help me when I’m on a free ride without following a route.

    In case this possibility of custom POI exists, is there also a possibility to create an alarm when close by such a POI ?

    Thanks for help.

    João Pereira

    [quote quote=2590]Hi I’m using DMD2 v.2.99910 as preinstalled on my device, just bought. Is there any possibility to load a list of my own POI’s, fully independent from any route, and to be shown like hotels or shops or attractions or ….? E.g. a POI collection of castles or botanical gardens or mountain passes. Sure I have them on my PC and use when planning a trip. But this POI list at home does not help me when I’m on a free ride without following a route. In case this possibility of custom POI exists, is there also a possibility to create an alarm when close by such a POI ? Thanks for help.[/quote]

    At the moment the closest you can get to this is just load a GPX File that contain all the POI as GPX Waypoints.
    That should be close to what you want.


    Hello John

    Thanks for feedback.

    I will try it out, however I will also search for a GPI viewer, as GPI files also may contain images and sounds besides the GPX waypoints. And as GPI files can easily be created, it is nice to have this functionality.

    So I will just miss the alarm …

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