Hi John After a recent upgrade the auto tilt and auto zoom works good, but I find that it zooms in too close (when on the home screen). I can see further on the road than I can see on the map. Some suggestions: – Show the zoom level in the bottom corner on the map widget, like on the map screen. – Have the auto zoom level a bit further out on the widget. – Make the arrow indicating position and direction smaller, remove the blue circle around it and instead have a border around the arrow, like the arrow in the status bar. The way it is now, the arrow covers very much of the map, and makes the position on zoom levels that are functional very hard to see (see attached screenshot). Maybe in the future also user selectable arrow styles? 🙂 – Less shading on the light theme, for increased visibility. Version 2.99917 I have manually zoomed out in this screenshot. Also, a gold accent colour option would be very nice. Thanks for the great work you do! Best regards Jesper
When in auto zoom mode you can use the zoom buttons and adjust the auto zoom. Basically when you are in auto zoom mode and you use zoom controls it is adding a multiplier factor to the auto zoom levels, that value is saved and reused.
Some really nice suggestions in your post, will add to the list!
Beta 2.99919:
– GPX Manager – Waypoints is now complete
– DMD-T devices now have function on the hardware shortcut buttons (later will be configurable), current shortcuts: Reset Trip / Light and Dark Theme toggle / Launch Google maps
– Apps view will now correctly update after you install & uninstall an app
– Fixed a case of the notifications filter not applying changes immediately
– Removed GPS precision conditions that were specific for the CARPE Tab
– Some more Topo Map Style changes
DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
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